We finally finished this semester, and this week we’ve been covered in holiday cheer with a gorgeous blanket of snow. It’s new for me to cross this finish line after very selectively choosing a more appropriate course load for myself. I tend to gloss over the hours I commit to grad school, work, photography, my sons, and myself. This semester was much more relaxed, compared to previous semesters, and I was able to draw a more definite line between the work and mama-ing. This balance is still a work in progress, and continues to be a labor of intentional focus. I’m still working through the incessant need to explain exactly why I make the choices I make, (to people who do not need to know), and how to begin to make the transition mentally from “IDK what I’m doing here” to a version of myself that is built with more confidence.
I uploaded my last client Christmas gallery, and had a chance to process some of my own family images from a pumpkin patch in October.
One of my favorite days of the year.
We don’t take as many photographs together anymore, but I treasure these so much.